I've missed the deadline for paying my toll. What should I do ?

If you have not paid for your trip within 72 hours of travelling on the A79, we invite you to pay as soon as possible on the website www.aliae.com in the "pay my trips > trips in arrears" section or at a payment terminal provided along the motorway.

  • If you pay within 15 days of the date shown on the payment notice : you pay the amount of the toll due plus a reduced fixed penalty of €10
  • If you pay more than 15 days after the date shown on the payment notice : you pay the amount of the toll due plus a fixed penalty of €90
  • In the absence of payment or protest after 60 days following the date of the payment notice : the case is transmitted to the Public Prosecutor. In this case, you will be fined an increased fixed penalty of €375. 

If more than five cases concerning you are transmitted to the Public Prosecutor over a period of less than or equal to twelve months exposes you to a fine of €7500.

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